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Extracurricular Clubs/Affinity Groups

Wissahickon Middle School is proud to sponsor a variety of extracurricular clubs and affinity groups for our students. We encourage students to get involved to meet people and have fun, learn more about the things that interest you or try something completely new. Click on the menu below to see club/activity information.

Contact Information

Activities Director: Mr. John Walker
215-619-8110, ext. 7011

Secretary: Roxanne Filipe
ext. 7020

Meeting Announcements 

Meeting dates and times are posted in Schoology, announced during the WMS Daily Announcements and WMS Bi-Weekly Update, emailed by Principal Bauer.

Late Bus and Parent Pick-Up Procedures

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
5:25 pm - WMS
5:30 pm - WHS

Tuesday and Thursday
4:25 pm - WMS
4:30 pm - WHS

After School Activities Bus Schedules/Stops

WMS Water Tower Side: ONLY Late Buses will be permitted to pick up students on the water tower side. There is to be no parent pick-up of students on this side of the building, including the parking lot in this area. We will continue to place cones by the bus entrance to deter parents from parking in the bus lane. The cones are placed out daily at 2:45pm.

WMS Front Side: ONLY Parent pick-up will occur in the front parking lot of the middle school. The front of the middle school and the front bus lane must remain open at ALL times because this provides immediate access in case of an emergency. Parents are to park in the parking spaces available. If the parking lot is full, parents may pick-up on Houston Road along the sidewalk by the baseball field.